Monday, February 23, 2009

My New Pet Peeve

You guys probably wouldn't notice this because you usually aren't sitting with me when I read other people's blogs. But one thing that you would notice if you did happen to be with me while I surfed my friends blogs for updates would be that I now have made it a habit of muting the volume every time I go to a blog. Why? because adding automatic music players to blogs seems to be the new "hip" thing to do.

Apparently those who participate in this new fad must add to their playlist songs of which only they enjoy, thus making life miserable for the rest of us who want to visit their blog merely to read what they have to say (not listen to their music). Also, adding a music playlist box thingy to one's blog slows down the load time of the rest of the blog significantly, causing those of us who USED TO enjoy visiting that blog to now despise the consequences of such an action. Listening to music, an odyssey, or an old time radio show used to be something that I was able to do to while surfing blogs.

Not so anymore my friend, because now, while the rest of my computer freezes up, because "At Last," is required to start playing before any typed material appears, I must endure the first 10 seconds or so of that song mixed horridly with my odyssey episode, making it very difficult to comprehend either one. I will then either pause the story, causing immense frustration along with annoyed suspense, until I can turn off the song. Or if I'm not listening to anything, I will hit the mute button with vigor which often causes strain to my left ring finger. In any case, I think I've made my point that I absolutely, unequivocally, and unambiguously despise blogs with music players.

So, with that being said, here are a few of my favorite songs. :-)

(Due to the substantial delay of “blog-load-time”, which my previously uploaded music player has caused in just these past few days, I feel it is in all our best interest if I merely leave you with a web link where you can go to enjoy my music without being disturbed by bothersome essays.) - Click here.


Erica Rose said...

HAHAHAH LOVE your selection of songs! LOL you are so funny!

Bekki said...

You have an AMEN from me.

I am so, so tired of listening to my music and then being BLASTED with other music.

Hey...maybe you should hack into their accounts and remove the player?!

Anonymous said...

I wholeheartedly agree!!

Anonymous said...

excellent observation! One of the worst things to do for me is interrupt my Odyssey or Old time radio show. Also to us with slower internet connections it becomes a nightmare!

Anonymous said...

BUT WAIT!! The very WORST part of these automatic music players is when said blog owner with despicable automatic music players posts a video on their blog. I've already hit the mute button long ago, but in order to listen to the video they posted, I have to un-mute my computer. ARGH!!! then my ears are tortured with not only the video, but the song on their player, and all the other blogs I have open at the same time - absolute agony !!!