Wednesday, November 5, 2008

More Preaching

Okay guys, I finally uploaded all the messages that I have of Unc. Carl. They're on my other blog, Also on there are some messages of Bro. Joseph Conroy - one of my favorite preachers. I plan on adding a bunch of Bro. Booker's and others too. Give me time It takes a while.

Monday, August 4, 2008

This is how the other half lives!

Working at Google

We already knew that working for Google had certain advantages, but, believe me, this giant of the search motor takes the welfare of its employees seriously ... as shown by this decompression (stress) capsule that is impermeable to sound and light ...

LEISURE: Pool tables, video games etc. are available in many areas.

INNOVATION: Large boards are available just about everywhere because 'ideas don't always come when seated in the office says one of Google’s managers.

WORK STATION: Each employee has at least two large screens. There are 4-6 'Zooglers' per office.

FOOD: Employees can eat all they want from a vast choice of food and drink.

MOVING AROUND: A slide allows quick access from different floors ... There are also poles available ... they are similar to the ones used in fire stations.

AMBIANCE: There are many books in this library… even some about programming !!

REST: This room provides massage chairs that you control ... while you view relaxing aquariums…!!!

HEALTH: Professional masseurs (eusses) available.

TECHNICAL SUPPORT: Problem with your computer ? No problem ... Bring it to this area where drinks are available while it is being fixed ...

COMMUNICATION: On each floor, there are private cabin areas where employees can attend to personal affairs.

My question .... When do they work? 
..... and
How much do the employees pay to work there?

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Aesop's The Ant and the Grasshopper. A Conservative Version vs. a Liberal, Progressive Version

The Ant and the Grasshopper 

(A bit too close to the truth to be comfortable)!


The ant works hard in the withering heat all summer long,

building his house and laying up supplies for the winter.

The grasshopper thinks the ant is a fool and laughs and dances and plays
the summer away. Come winter, the ant is warm and well fed.

The grasshopper has no food or shelter, so he dies out in the cold.

MORAL OF THE STORY: Be responsible for yourself!


The ant works hard in the withering heat all summer long, building his
house and laying up supplies for the winter. The grasshopper thinks the
ant is a fool and laughs and dances and plays the summer away.

Come winter, the shivering grasshopper calls a press conference and
demands to know why the ant should be warm and well fed while others are
cold and starving.

CBS, NBC, PBS, CNN, and ABC show up to provide pictures of the shivering
grasshopper next to a video of the ant in his comfortable home with a
table filled with food.
America is stunned by the sharp contrast.

How can this be, that in a country of such wealth, this poor grasshopper
is allowed to suffer so?

Kermit the Frog appears on Oprah with the grasshopper, and everybody
cries when they sing, "It's Not Easy Being Green."

Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton stage a demonstration in front of the ant's house where the news stations film the group singing, "We Shall Overcome." Jesse and Al then have the group kneel down to pray to God for the grasshopper's sake.

Nancy Pelosi, John Kerry, & Harry Reid exclaim in an interview with Larry King that
the ant has gotten rich off the back of the grasshopper, and both call
for an immediate tax hike on the ant to make him pay his fair share.

Finally, the EEOC drafts the Economic Equity and Anti-Grasshopper Act
retroactive to the beginning of the summer. The ant is fined for failing
to hire a proportionate number of green bugs and, having nothing left to
pay his retroactive taxes, his home is confiscated by the government.

Hillary Clinton gets her old law firm to represent the grasshopper in a
defamation suit against the ant, and the case is tried before a panel of
federal judges that Bill Clinton appointed from a list of single-parent
welfare recipients.

The ant loses the case.

The story ends as we see the grasshopper finishing up the last bits of
the ant's food while the government house he is in, which just happens
to be the ant's old house, crumbles around him because he doesn't
maintain it.

The ant has disappeared in the snow. The grasshopper is found dead in a
drug related incident and the house, now abandoned, is taken over by a
gang of spiders who terrorize the once peaceful neighborhood.

MORAL OF THE STORY: Be careful how you vote in 2008!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

My Recent Calamity

This is a while after the clean-up. The pictures don't do me

As most of you know, our church just wrapped up a two weeker with Unc. Marty Ballestero. During that time, we had church services on Sundays, Mondays, and Tuesdays. Now you will understand why last night we did not have our regular Wednesday night Bible Study. Instead, last night, around 30 fun-loving people (including myself, and also thanks to Katie and Erica for putting it together) came to the church to play volleyball. It was scheduled for 7pm. Of course, some of us got there early. So we decided to play a game of 21 (basketball) while we waited for the rest to get there.

It is then and there that my short but eventful story begins. There we were, Jason, Justin, myself, Scotty, Phillip, Donavon, and Carmello playing 21. At one point, Carmello came in for a lay-up - missed. I grabbed the rebound as Carmello came down on my head, his teeth sinking into my skull. I grabbed my head, he spit a mouthful of blood. (At that time, I was not aware that my forehead was gushing profusely. I just felt like someone had clubbed me over the head.) I thought I was fine (I still didn't feel the blood running down my nose). Until Justin assured me that he wasn't joking when he said I had blood all over my face. As I left the court, I threw the ball from the 3-point line, as I had tried several times before-hand with no success. This time, however, as I turned away, I heard the snap of the net as I had swushed it cleanly. (That felt good.)

I wish I would've taken of picture of myself in the bathroom mirror. My face was a bloody mess (by now, I was constantly brushing the blood, trying to prevent it from streaming down my neck into my shirt.) I quickly washed my face and put a wad of paper towell on the cut to try to halt the bleeding. Then I went to the table where Jana and Katie were sitting. Thanks to Erica for retrieving neosporin, and to Katie for applying it to my wound, I fared fine. Unfortunately I didn't get to play volleyball.

That night, when I went home, my dad took pictures, then I had my mom wrap it in a huge bandage so I wouldn't roll over in bed and rip my forehead back open, causing much more pain and anguish.

And so ended a very memorable day in my life.

So much for a short story, eh? lol

Saturday, July 19, 2008

How do you define "bad biker"?

Apparently "normal" is not an option.

The taller the bar, the badder you are!

Monday, June 30, 2008


I like grapes. In fact, I just ate a green one not too long ago.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

My Golfing Tips

I recently went golfing with some family/friends (like a month ago). The following pictures are just some basic learning material for those of you who are aspiring to be as good as, well, me... you might say.

Firstly, we go over some standard "how & how not tos".

good driving stance...

not so good driving stance...
... ...

good putting stance....

not so good putting stance...

Secondly, we go over safety precautions.

Thirdly, we record the event with numerous pictures, photos, snapshots...

Preston. Squatting. Holding a putter.

... and video clips...

Here I got partially lucky and landed a hard 15 - 20 footer... Although, there was some skill involved in the reading of the green. (It was on a slope, unfortunately the camera's angle isn't very good)

And when I couldn't pull it off... (which happens most always)
... then Papa came through (which also happens most

The day ended with a sunset.

Disclaimer: This post was obviously meant for pictures only as I presently do not feel the inspiration to write about anything. (I think I fried my brain when I ate 4 packets of Top-Ramen noodles the other day. Ugh...) So feel free to feel sorry for me and donate money. haha

Sunday, June 8, 2008

The Golden Kola

Tradition tells us that the ancient Inca Empire was the richest empire in all of history. The empire was literally built on top of the world's largest gold mine. Gold was as common to those people as dirt is to our people. The common peoples' homes were carved out from mountains of solid gold. Their crystal clear pressured running water flowed freely from pipes of solid gold. It was nothing in that land for someone to own a 500 foot statue carved from 24 karat gold. Their slaves were bound by chains of gold. Their beds were of gold (this was right before mattresses were invented, which then quickly became the most valued item seeing as they all had back aches from sleeping on the hard golden surface). They even tried eating the metal, which didn't last very long. In fact they would try so hard that they would lose teeth in the attempt, and would have to fill the spaces with pieces of it glued in (thus came about the "golden tooth").

But... Although gold seemed to have its handiwork in every piece of material, art, structure, etc, it was still missing in something - something vital to life - and that something was their drink. The only drinks they had discovered so far were various kinds of cervezas, margaritas, and their crystal clear water. They tried mixing their metal with each of these beverages, but without success... Until Coca Cola built a plant in Lima. And the second the king of that vast empire ceremoniously dumped a chunk of the precious metal into this new found beverage, the gold began to dissolve into the soda - giving it a golden color with the flavor of bubble gum. The king took one sip of the newly discovered concoction, did a hula dance which he had learned while vacationing in Hawaii, and then proclaimed to the nation that it would be called the "Inca's Kola" (later shortened to merely "Inca Kola"), and was dubbed from then on the "national beverage".

So, as I now sip the golden kola from my glass, I hope you will delight as you view the following pictures of the richest, most marvelous drink ever to grace the lips of the human race. Here are some of the various forms of storage in which this drink can be contained...

the 12 oz can

the something over 12 oz bottle

the 16 oz glass bottle

the 20 oz plastic bottle

the 2 liter plastic bottle

another 2 liter botella
(spanish for bottle)

the 150 lb homosapien... Cheers!

I recently read a post on another blog concerning a different not-as-good type of beverage. The author mentioned that as a young person her greatest joy (in so many words) and fulfillment was in a can or bottle of a certain "Dr. Pepper" (I shudder as I type that name). She expresses now how much she loathes it. I agree. I loathe all drinks save this one. (not really, but almost)

Allow me to introduce to you the Golden kola - Inca Kola: "not quite as good as Living Water".

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

World's Most Annoying Classmate - (with added picture)

So I experienced my first day of class for the summer semester today. I'm taking WST 140 (Water Distribution 1-2). It's a 6 week M-T-W night class from 6pm to 9:20pm. Donavon and I rode together tonight since we are taking the class together. When we walked in at like 5 minutes till, it was already getting full. So we took a seat in the back row. (I was already registered for the class. Donny was an add-on) At first it didn't look like Donny was going to get added on, because the class was "full" already, and there were around 10 add-ons. Mrs. C's list had 35 names on it at the beginning. It ended up with like The classroom was packed out. She had to bring in extra It should be a fairly easy class.

If you've ever gone to college for any amount of time, you've experienced attending class with the world's most annoying person; you know the guy, he's the one that sits in the very front row, and feels like it is his job to finish the teacher's sentences before he/she can. Picture, with me, the class as they sit, listening with anticipation, as the teacher sets forth a question as an introduction to the next teaching point. This individual, however, feels that this is his opportunity to confirm to the class, that he really is as stupid as we all had already suspected by 
blurting out his answer (which is always way off). Then, when told wrong, he turns it into a guessing game. All the while, the rest of us are sitting somewhat quietly, our hatred for him growing stronger every second. We bite our lips, yelling at him in our minds to shut up and let the teacher give the answer. That's not all though, oh no. He also has the most annoying voice you've ever heard too. That's right. You know, the one that hasn't reached puberty yet. Ugh! (This picture is of him btw. I took it with Donny's phone camera through his arm for concealment purposes.)
So, if you have ever experienced this, then you'll sympathize with me, because--well, he showed up today, and accomplished his goal, already in the first 2 hours of the semester, of gaining the abhorrence of all 47 other class mates. I think God is trying my patience/temper level in this portion of my life, because I had just previously finished a math class this last semester with one of this guy's relatives, apparently. Poor lady, I don't think she passed the class. Her statements throughout the year let us all know, pretty much, that she was failing. Otherwise, it's been a nice day.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Deep Thought for the Day

To me, boxing is like a ballet, except there's no music, no choreography, and the dancers hit each other.
Jack Handey

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Carl Joseph Ballestero - A Legend in Pentecost

     When we, as younger people, hear of "old-fashioned holiness preaching," certain names typically start to roll through our minds: names such as Verbal Bean, Robert Cavaness, Murray Burr, Andrew Baker, the Davis brothers, I. H. Terry, Allen Picklesimer, A. L. O'Brian; just to name a few - most of whom, also, have already gone on to receive their eternal reward.
     One name, however, when approached with this subject, automatically comes to the forefront of my mind, the name of Carl Joseph Ballestero. You quite possibly have heard the messages "The Golden Chain of Mystery," "Fatal Flaws," "The Reproach of Christ," "The Sin of Silence," "The Dragnet," "A Girl Named Mary," "Acres of Diamonds;" These classics, among many others, (too many to name) were the direct result of his relationship with God along with the burden and anointing that rested upon this great man. The countless hours which he poured into study is evident while listening to his messages. He was the most scholarly man I have ever known.
     Uncle Carl was a speaker extraordinaire; and I don't think it would be exaggeration for me to say that God absolutely and completely filled this man to overflowing with the gift of oration. I've never heard anyone preach quite like the man, Carl Ballestero.
     Uncle Carl had quite a testimony too. He grew up in the ghettos of Los Angeles and as a boy became involved with the rat-packs
 which led him eventually to spending time in San Quentin. It was there that he really determined to live for God. He would preach to his fellow prisoners about the goodness of God. And it was also there that he first felt God's anointing while preaching. When he was released, his life was already changed by God, and he began to accomplish His "peculiar work".
     I was talking, the other day, with a man that goes to my church. And he mentioned that when he read Bro. Ballestero's book it really reminded him of his past. Because he also grew up in L A, and was involved in gangs until God found him and called him into His fold.
     Uncle Carl wrote a book about his life, and called it "How High My Mountain." It is a book
 that will greatly affect anyone who reads it. It's one of my personal favorites. (It also has lots of pictures in it.)
     Many people were saved under his ministry and countless others were deeply affected by his preaching. Uncle Carl defined was a real God-called preacher is. He was truly one of the great legends of Pentecost. 
     The message that Uncle Carl preached at the UPCI General Conference in 1964 is probably the most well-remembered sermon amidst Pentecostal circles today - And that is "The Handwriting on the Wall." God warned the church that night, and clearly prophesied what the future would hold for us if we, as the church, became apathetic regarding preaching and living the standards that God plainly wrote out for us in his Word. God, through Elder Carl Ballestero, predicted the outcome of a church that entertained worldliness and iniquity, just as Daniel did in Babylon thousands of years ago.
     What he said about another, would be even better said about himself, "As long as we have preaching like this man preaches it, there will be an Apostolic church that is ready for the rapture."

Click below to play "The Handwriting on the Wall."

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


"Consider the daffodil, and while you're doing that, I'll be over here looking through your stuff." jh

Monday, February 11, 2008

Tulsa Update

Sorry that I keep forgetting to update my blog (not exactly forgetting, but more like not knowing what to post about). However, this past weekend I received news regarding the Apostolic Summit that occurred this past month in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I have, within the past five minutes, posted that information on my Tulsa Blog.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

I have returned

Today, I returned from Tulsa at approximately 10:00am. I really enjoyed myself while I was there. Check out my "Tulsa" blog and tell me what you think. if you have any questions about it, feel free to ask me via comments on that blog.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Do Fig Leaves Really Work?

Bro. Webb preached a very good message tonight called "Do Fig Leaves Work?". He took his text from Genesis chapter 3. The reading was about Adam and Eve clothing themselves with fig leaves after they had sinned. The point that Bro. Webb brought to us was that people try to find true happiness by pressing for higher education, volunteering for different charities, etc, anything that will make them feel good in their heart. All those things are good, (in fact Bro. Webb possesses a bachelor's degree in Theology) but those will not truely satisfy a person. The only thing that brings true satisfaction is Jesus Christ.

What's In Your Wallet?

Well, yesterday morning started our two week revival with Bro. Jerry Webb. He's an evangelist who was from Bro. I H Terry's church - a very good man. Revival services are as follows: Sunday am & pm, Monday 7pm, & Tuesday 7pm - for two weeks.

Yesterday Bro. Webb preached on the subject "What's In Your Wallet". He took his text from Acts 3. Peter and John were going to the temple and a lame man sat at the gate expecting alms. Peter said "Silver and gold have I none, but such as I have give I thee...". If they would have had money on them they probably would have given the money instead, but since they had nothing, they used "Jesus' name". What Bro. Webb brought out yesterday morning was that too many times we use natural things like money, but we really need to see what really is the most important thing in our posession, and that is Jesus.