Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Animals and Australians

Look, I love the accent and all, but is it just me, or does it seem that all who work with animals as a profession are from Australia? As soon as the late Steve Irwin came on the scene, everyone started turning into Australians. Apparently the qualifications go something like this, "If you will enter the field of Zoology you must be from down-undah." What triggered this thought was when I recently heard the news about the shark that attacked Nari, the beloved bottle-nosed dolphin of Tangalooma, in Queensland. I heard it on the news; and there they were all speaking Australian. I guess that's only reasonable and expected since it happened there in Australia, but hearing that made me think about it. Alot of times when I hear interviews about animals, or more specifically, marine wildlife, the expert is an Australian. Maybe they all just like animals more than we do. Or maybe there's big money in that sort of business down there. Whatever be the case, it's still intriguing. And now, seeing the time, I leave you to ponder.

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