Monday, April 11, 2011

Rejoice Evermore

Dear Reader, The other day my parents received a letter for me from SBVC inviting me to join a certain honors society for Spanish course students called Sigma Delta Mu. Apparently my teacher, Ms. Sogomonian, nominated me to be one of the lucky few. (I really don't know how many are in it, but if it's "honors" I'm guessing a few.) Needless to say, I was flabbergasted, surprised, and pretty happy to boot. She's always been my favorite teacher, but now she's totally my favorite! :) Anyhow, My dad photographed the letter and the note from Prof. Sogomonian and emailed them to me the other day. I really hope they let him go to the initiation in my absence, since my schedule won't allow me to attend, being that I'm in Peru for the next 8 months and all. Besides, since I'm actively fostering friendly relations and mutual respect between Spanish-speaking and English-speaking nations (pt. 3 in the letter), I should be alright. :) Entonces, I figured I'd let you know all this in case someone was just waiting for an opportunity to rejoice with them that do rejoice (or something like that).lol Viva Sigma, Viva Delta, and Viva Mu! God bless, Jarron
Translated - Hello Jarron! I hope that you are very well and that you decide to inscribe in Sigma Delta Mu. Nori

I'll let you translate the next one...


DarynArnett said...

What??? Why didnt she send me a letter like this??? I even carried her coffee pot to class a few times each morning! Oh well, she passed me so I cant complain :) Seriously though, i'm really proud of you man!

DarynArnett said...

Oh, and I even did ALL of my homework on time! hahaha

preston said...

Congratulations, Jarron! Is that Greek for "Society of Suckers?" I noticed they are honoring you with a $15 bill! Just kidding. I'm not really surprised though. You do great with Spanish and are so personable, I'm sure you were an easy student to remember. You're making me proud to be a Brown!
Love ya!