Tuesday, May 27, 2008

World's Most Annoying Classmate - (with added picture)

So I experienced my first day of class for the summer semester today. I'm taking WST 140 (Water Distribution 1-2). It's a 6 week M-T-W night class from 6pm to 9:20pm. Donavon and I rode together tonight since we are taking the class together. When we walked in at like 5 minutes till, it was already getting full. So we took a seat in the back row. (I was already registered for the class. Donny was an add-on) At first it didn't look like Donny was going to get added on, because the class was "full" already, and there were around 10 add-ons. Mrs. C's list had 35 names on it at the beginning. It ended up with like 48.lol The classroom was packed out. She had to bring in extra chairs.lol It should be a fairly easy class.

If you've ever gone to college for any amount of time, you've experienced attending class with the world's most annoying person; you know the guy, he's the one that sits in the very front row, and feels like it is his job to finish the teacher's sentences before he/she can. Picture, with me, the class as they sit, listening with anticipation, as the teacher sets forth a question as an introduction to the next teaching point. This individual, however, feels that this is his opportunity to confirm to the class, that he really is as stupid as we all had already suspected by 
blurting out his answer (which is always way off). Then, when told wrong, he turns it into a guessing game. All the while, the rest of us are sitting somewhat quietly, our hatred for him growing stronger every second. We bite our lips, yelling at him in our minds to shut up and let the teacher give the answer. That's not all though, oh no. He also has the most annoying voice you've ever heard too. That's right. You know, the one that hasn't reached puberty yet. Ugh! (This picture is of him btw. I took it with Donny's phone camera through his arm for concealment purposes.)
So, if you have ever experienced this, then you'll sympathize with me, because--well, he showed up today, and accomplished his goal, already in the first 2 hours of the semester, of gaining the abhorrence of all 47 other class mates. I think God is trying my patience/temper level in this portion of my life, because I had just previously finished a math class this last semester with one of this guy's relatives, apparently. Poor lady, I don't think she passed the class. Her statements throughout the year let us all know, pretty much, that she was failing. Otherwise, it's been a nice day.


preston said...

Sounds like a pretty average college class to me. LOL. Although I'm not sure about the guys voice. If he's as young as he sounds, he's probably pretty smart!

Ms. J said...

This is so true, Jarron! I sat here dyin laughin while I was reading because every class has to has its moron. Sometimes I feel like hitting my head repeatedly on the desk to avoid having to hear some people say stupid things. lol

Jarron said...

i'd put him around 20 or so. looks like it at least. he has a girl voice. uck.lol

hey Jedidah. good to hear from you.